Saturday, August 17, 2013

Landrie is 18 months old!

Landrie you are 18 months old! Where has the last year and a half gone?!?!

You amaze us every day with your expanding vocabulary! This past week you really started referring to me as Momma (which makes my heart swell). You see me and come running calling out Momma, Momma!! Oh, little girl, you have no idea how much you have stolen our hearts!
 You LOVE Winnie the Pooh (or Pooh as you call him), you also love Elmo and you love to say Cookie (as plain as day) but you don't want that blue monster anywhere near you. haha! You also love Caillou and you can say his name perfectly! You also love to read every night. Your favorites are still your Jesus book and Corduroy Goes to the Dr.
 You have been a really great sleeper lately and you go to bed every night around 9:30.  You moved up to a new class at school a couple of weeks ago. You are officially a ladybug! You are the youngest in a class of mostly 2 year olds, but you have done so well and you are learning so much!
 You like for me to fix your hair every morning and you want to wear your bow! You have even been wearing them to school and most days you keep it in all day!

You love to go to church and you love to sing and dance!  You recently started saying "uh-huh" to answer many of our questions if you are trying to say yes. It is amazing how much you clearly understand.  You love to be outside--coloring with your chalk, helping dad wash the cars, or going for walks around the neighborhood.

Saturday, December 15, 2012

Stationery card

Merry Polka Dots Christmas Card
Turn family photos into personalized Christmas cards.
View the entire collection of cards.

Stationery card

Merry Polka Dots Christmas Card
Customize your Christmas cards this year at
View the entire collection of cards.

Saturday, November 17, 2012

Landrie is 9 months old!


You are nine months old now!! I know I say it each month, but where has the time gone?!? I feel like this first year is just flying by and I want it to slow down. Each phase/stage with you just gets better and better though! You are such a precious little girl and you bring so much joy, love and happiness to our little family. Your daddy and I love you so much and we were just talking about how we had imagined what you would be like--you have been so much more than we could have ever dreamed up.

You have several new things that you have started doing this month! You are now giving "big squeezes" hugs in which you grunt as if you are using all your might to give it. I love feeling those little arms wrap around my neck and that grunt when I ask for a big squeeze. You are still offering kisses for mommy and daddy. You are saying dada, baba(bottle), bye-bye(along with waving), hi, and you blow kisses with sound effects. You still haven't said momma--which I know your daddy is still relishing in--but I know my day is coming! :) You are cruising along the furniture and getting braver every day by letting go and standing for a couple of seconds before falling. You still love bathtime so much--especially when Wheel of fortune is on--you are mesmerized by it. It is really cute!

You go to bed most nights by 9pm and we still have to wake you up each morning. You are back in a good sleep routine and I am thankful for this! You now have four teeth!! It was a rough road getting them through, but you did it. You have also bit momma a few times, but you are geetting pretty good at listening when we tell you something is a no-no. :) You are loving Macy more and more and you get so excited to see her each night. She even let you lay your head on her the other day.

You are still such a snuggly baby and we love it! You still sleep with us and we love that too! haha! You love to see your friends at school each morning, but you are equally excited to see us each evening. I love to see your face light up with the biggest smile when you see us at the door. You make a beeline to the door to get to us--you don't let anyone or anything get in your way! It is precious!

You love to do face-time with your Honeygram and Poppy. You love being around them and your papaw--and of course they love spending time with you! I do love to tease your daddy because before you were born Honeygram told him that he would always be her baby, but then she laid eyes on you and lets just say there is a new baby in town.

Landrie, you are one very blessed little girl and I pray that you always remember that. You are loved by so many people, but I want you to know how much Jesus loves you. My prayer for you has always been that you would come to know Him and His love for you, and that you would let Him do great things through you for His glory!

I love you sugar bean!! You are my greatest blessing! Your daddy and I love you more than you will ever know!

9 month stats:
Diapers: Size 3
Clothing: Mostly 6-9 months
Shoes: Size 1

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Tooth #2

Well tooth #2 made it's appearance yesterday. How has my teeny, tiny baby started growing up so fast!?! This one was rough on her too, but not nearly as rough as the first tooth.

Sunday, October 21, 2012

The Pumpkin Patch...

We took LC to the corn maze this weekend. 
She took her first hayride out to the pumpkin patch.

She had such a great time!! It was one of those perfect days I dreamed about when I was expecting her.  She was really into checking the pumpkins out and got really excited. She loved the animals at the petting zoo and was especially interested in the chickens. (but we didn't get too close since we witnessed a little boy get pecked)

She got to wear her cute little chevron pumpkin shirt and she looked adorable as always. This little girl brings so much joy and happiness to our lives.

We are so blessed!