Monday, February 14, 2011

The Good Shepherd

Mr. Lane preached about the Good Shepherd on Sunday night. He read from the Gospel of John where Jesus is speaking about being the Good Shepherd and He know His sheep and His sheep know His voice. I couldn't help but thank God that when His Son called up on me when I was 15 years old that I knew His voice.  I pray that if you don't know the Good Shepherd that you would seek Him. You will know His voice when He calls on you.

Sunday, February 13, 2011

welcome to FB Mr. Lane

well tonight Mr. Lane finally joined facebook. He has refused for several years now. I don't think he ever really had anything against just didn't have any interest in it. Well now he has caved in. :) so well come to fb Mr. Lane. :)

Saturday, February 12, 2011

A Valentine From Jesus.

A Valentine From Jesus
I love you. 
You are mine. 
Your name is written upon My heart. 
Your prayers are precious to Me.
 Your life is in My hands. 
I am always with you.
 I am nearer to you than your own heart.
 I gave My life so that you
might live forever with Me.
 All I ask in return is your love.
Be My Valentine,
~ Jesus ~

P.S. You are precious in my sight,
and honored, and I love you.
 ~ Isaiah 43:4