Sunday, April 29, 2012

Simply Sunday

Momma and her sweet baby 

Saturday, April 28, 2012

someone enjoys long walks

Yes, I know she looks terribly uncomfortable, but she seems to love the carrier. She especially loves to face outward so she can check everything out. :)

Friday, April 27, 2012

Friday, April 20, 2012

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Landrie is 2 months old!

Sweet Landrie,
You are 2 months old today! You bring so much joy to our home! 
We love you more and more every day.
You are growing like crazy--I feel like I have blinked and you are two months old.
At your two month check-up you weighed 9lbs 5 oz and were 22 inches. You had gained almost 2lbs and grew almost 2 inches!! You have started to outgrow some of your newborn clothing(which makes momma a little sad) and have started to wear some of your 0-3 month items. 
You laughed out loud for the first time on your Honeygram's birthday. Momma was making a motorboat sound and you loved it and just cracked up. :)
You love to go for walks in your stroller--you usually fall asleep after a couple of minutes in it and your eyes pop open as soon as the ride is over. :)
We have had many trips out to dinner, Target, the mall, etc. You are such a good baby. You started smiling at mommy and daddy quite a bit around week 5. You melt our hearts with those smiles.
You still love to be held to fall asleep(and you are still sleeping with mommy and daddy). You are sleeping around 6 hours every night. You are drinking 4 oz of milk every 3 hours. 

You love for us to talk to you and play on the floor with you. You give us big grins and love when we make up silly songs for you. You are very alert and love to know what is going on around you at all times!
We are so thankful to have you in our lives! You are a blessing to us and we are proud to call you ours.


Momma and Daddy

Monday, April 16, 2012

Daddy-Daughter Naptime


Simply Sunday

Here are a few pictures of us after church on Sunday:

Yes, I may have dressed us all alike!! ;) I know I can only get away with that for a short period of time so I sometimes take advantage.

Uh oh!!! The beginnings of a meltdown.

This girl loves her daddy!!(and he loves her too, as if you can't tell)

Saturday, April 14, 2012

Easter Bunny

We stopped in at Christian chicken for some lunch the Saturday before Easter and a church was doing pics with the Easter bunny and I couldn't resist.

Yes, Landon did tease me that I let some stranger in a silly costume hold my baby and many people we know very well haven't held her. :)

Landrie slept right through it!

The many faces of an 8 week old ;)

Monday, April 9, 2012

Landrie's 1st Easter

We celebrated our Risen Saviour and it was a beautiful Easter Sunday!

I am so thankful that God gave His only son so that my daughter may have eternal life! It is my prayer that Landrie grow to love Jesus and understand how much He loves her!

Here are some pics from Easter: