Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Landrie is 5 months old :)

Sweet Landrie,

You are 5 months old today. You have not felt good for the past couple of days (we think we have some major teething going on). Daddy stayed home from work with you today and I was home with you two days last week. You were still a trooper and let momma get your 5 month pics in on your monthly birthday.
 You are still the happiest, smiley baby. Each day that passes with you in our lives just gets better and better. You have had a lot going on this month.  

You weigh around 12lbs and 24 inches long. You are still in size 1 diapers and some 0-3 month clothing, but mostly 3-6 months.  You are getting so long!
 You love to lay on the floor in your room and play with momma and daddy on a blanket. You also love to chew on your feet as evidenced below. :)
 You started holding your own bottle this month! No one can believe it and it makes momma a little sad. :( You do still let me hold it some which I am sure is to just make me feel needed.  You have tried lots of new foods and seem to like everything you have tried. So far you have pears, sweet potatoes, carrots, and apples. You are still drinking 5 oz every 3 hours.
 You are such a curious and friendly baby. You love most everyone you meet and momma finally let a few people at church hold you this month. Everyone loves when you give them a "double dimp" smile. haha!
 You also found your tongue this month. Which you promptly used to say dada! 
You love for us to tickle you--it cracks you up. You are especially ticklish under your arms and on your tummy.
 You still sleep with momma and daddy every night (and you still love to snuggle up to mom). You started rolling over to sleep on your tummy 3 or 4 weeks ago which made me really nervous at first, but you seem to love it. We still have to wake you up most weekday mornings, because you want to sleep in. You don't nap much during the day especially at school. You always wake up in the best mood with a smile on your face.
 You have become a wiggle worm this month. The picture below perfectly depicts what happens in your carseat if we don't buckle you in pronto! :)
 You are on the verge of crawling. You amaze us by pulling your knees up like you are going somewhere. We know it won't be long until you are all over the place. You love to roll all over the place too! We can lay you down and the next thing we know you have rolled your way across the room!
Above all, you are my precious baby girl and I know I can never express in words the love that my heart feels toward you! You make all of my days good just by being your sweet self. Daddy and Momma love you more than you will ever know. I continue to pray that you will grow into a wonderful young lady who does amazing things for the Lord.


Thursday, July 5, 2012

Landrie's 1st Fourth of July

We had a pretty low key Independence Day.  Landon worked at our new church with his dad cleaning up the outdoor area and Landrie and I visited with Papaw, Aunt Stephi and cousins.
Once we came home I decided to put Landrie in her 4th of July bow and tutu that she was gifted by one of our dear friends. She mainly wanted to chew on the tutu. :) She had several red, white, and blue outfits that she wore during the week. She looked so cute--but I am biased. 

 That afternoon we ordered pizza and sat around watching tv. Since it has been so dry lately our town cancelled the fireworks show that had been scheduled. We did get some live entertainment watching our neighbors display though. :) Our friends Billy, Sheri, and boys came over that night and Landon and Billy decided to light the extra large sparklers that Landon bought for Landrie. She really seemed to enjoy watching them and the fireworks. She didn't like the really loud whistling kind though--which I can't say that I blame her on that one. I loved watching her little eyes follow the lights. :)

We have some much to be thankful for in this country and freedom is at the top of the list. We are so blessed and we often forget that or take it for granted.
Now the Lord is the Spirit, and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty. 2 Cor 3:17